"A Fun and Dynamic Learning Experience"
Children are put onto the waiting list after completing an application form in advance for at least a term before they are due to start. Children are offered a place in age order with priority being given to children on the west side of the A6. If there spaces still available, places are offered to other children who may live within or outside Birstall.
Children of two years of age may be offered places if there is the correct ratio
of staff available to accommodate their entry.
Our preschool is open from 8.30am-3.30pm Monday to Friday during term time. The funded sessions run from 8.30-11.30 and 12.30-3.30pm. There is an option to stay for the lunch hour 11.30am -12.30pm for an additional cost so that children can stay for a full day. All children have access to a snack during their sessions. We offer milk or water and a variety of foods such as biscuits, toast and cereals along with a range of fruit. A charge is made towards the cost of snack, which also covers the cost of ingredients for cooking.
Children staying for lunch will need to bring a packed lunch which will be eaten in either in the school dining hall and the setting, they will continue to be supervised by Acorn members of staff. This experience supports transition for any children who are transferring to school.
Acorn is a community pre-school and is independent of Highcliffe Primary School and attendance does not give an entitlement to enter this school. Applications for a school place need to be made to the Local Education Authority who are responsible for school admissions and allocations. This can be done by visiting www.leics.gov.uk.
There is no parking for Acorn. There is parking available at the top of Greengate Lane, which is close by. Please support us in this and share the message with anyone who may pick up or drop off your children
Please do not use the school Car Park to drop off and pick up your children. This is for school staff only.
We do have a uniform available for you to buy, however it is not a complusory uniform. An order form is provided on the website for you to print, fill in and hand to a member of staff with the correct money.
Mobile Phones
Please do not use mobile phones when in the vicinity of the setting (including dropping off and collecting). This is to enable us to ensure the safety of all our children.
Dropping Off/Picking Up
We do understand that these times can be very busy but please could you keep the access ramp clear at all times when waiting for your children.
Disabled Access
Acorn is accessible via a ramp and there is access to a disabled toilet on site.
Outdoor Learning
The Early Years Framework states that all children should be given the opportunity to go outdoors, At Acorn we endeavour to go outdoors every day. We have a saying "There's no such thing as bad weather, only inappropriate clothing!" Therefore, we ask that your child is provided with a change of clothing, including shoes and a coat in a labelled bag. All clothing should be clearly named. We have waterproof coats, trousers and wellies for both children and staff so we can all enjoy the outdoors.
Working with parents
We have a open door policy where we are free to talk to parents whenever possible. Each term we hold a welcome evening where you can meet your key person, find out about us and ask any questions you may have. When your child starts with us we write a first few weeks report and 6 months later we write a progress report. In the summer term when your child leaves us we write a transition report. All of these reports are shared with you and the transition reports are shared with the school your child is moving on to. We hold parents evenings during your child’s time at Acorn.
Transition to School
In order to prepare the children due to start Highcliffe Primary School we begin transition visits at the beginning of the summer term. For children attending other feeder schools, we make contact and invite the reception teachers to visit our setting.
Small groups of six to eight children are taken over by Acorn Staff who remain with them go over to Highcliffe every week where they spend an hour meeting the teachers and become accustomed to their new surroundings.
Throughout the summer term, those going to school also get the opportunity to engage in a number of activities including a teddy bears picnic and big school here I come.
If your child is ill, please keep them at home. The preschool can refuse admittance to children who have a temperature, sickness and diarrhoea or a contagious infection or disease as we have a duty of care to all our children and their families.
Where children have been prescribed antibiotics, parents are asked to keep them at home for 48 hours before returning to the setting. After diarrhoea, parents are asked to keep children home for 48 hours.
We have a list of excludable diseases and current exclusion times. http://patient.info/health/school-exclusion-times
In times of bad weather Acorn may need to close due to the closure of Highcliffe Primary School. If this happens please listen to Radio Leicester on 104.9FM, Gem 106 or visit the Leicestershire Country Council website.
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